Program Description:
The Associate in Applied Sciences-Transfer degree in Nursing is designed to prepare students for careers in public and private health care sectors. Shoreline Community College works closely with local advisory committees and industry professionals to ensure students receive the knowledge and skills currently in demand by employers in the field.
Students interested in pursuing a four-year baccalaureate degree in Nursing may apply for a RN to BSN program after completion of the AAS-T degree. Shoreline Community College has articulation agreements with University of Washington Bothell and Olympic College. Other colleges in the area have such programs as well.
AAS-T Degree (6 Quarter Option)
Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. However, the information is subject to change without notice and final career decisions are the responsibility of the student.
Grade of 2.0 or better for each individual course in the program required.
In this program, you will earn an Associate in Applied Science-Transfer (AAS-T) degree. The AAS-T degree indicator, which will appear on your transcript, will enable you to transfer this degree directly to some four-year institutions. Please check with your program advisor for more specific information.
Program Information:
Length of Program: 118 Credits
Completion Award: AAS-T Degree
Enrollment: Fall, Winter, Spring
Approximate Quarterly Costs:
Additional Instructional Fees $38-$75
Lab Fee Per Quarter $37.70
Degree Lab Fees Per Quarter (1st Year) $31.45
Liability Insurance Per Quarter $6.25
Personal Health Insurance Required Per Quarter: cost varies
(in addition to tuition, books, and parking)
Plan code: RENNUAAS