Program Description:
The Dental Hygiene Associate in Applied Arts and Sciences degree is designed to prepare students for careers in the Dental industry. Shoreline Community College works closely with local advisory committees and industry professionals to ensure students receive the knowledge and skills currently in demand by employers in the field. Students interested in pursuing a four-year baccalaureate degree in Dentistry should follow the Dentistry Pre-Major, AS-T1 Planning Guide .
AAAS Degree (117 Credits)
Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. However, the information is subject to change without notice and final career decisions are the responsibility of the student.
Grade of 2.5 or higher for each individual course required.
Program Prerequisites:
See Transfer Degree Requirements for courses that meet General Education Requirements.
High School Diploma or G.E.D. and satisfactory completion of pre-requisite college coursework: ENGL& 102 , CMST& 101 or CMST& 220 , PSYC& 100 , MATH& 146 or higher, BIOL& 211 , BIOL& 241 , BIOL& 242 , BIOL& 260 , CHEM& 121 , CHEM& 131 , NUTR& 101 , and General Education Requirements: Multicultural Understanding and Human Relations.
Dental Hygiene Core Requirements (First Year)
Fall Quarter - 18 Credits
Winter Quarter - 18 Credits
Spring Quarter - 18 Credits
Summer Quarter - 13 Credits
Dental Hygiene Core Requirements (Second Year)
Fall Quarter - 20 Credits
Winter Quarter - 15 Credits
Spring Quarter - 15 Credits
Approval To Graduate
Student Name, SID and Date: ____________________________________________________
Faculty Advisor and Date: _______________________________________________________
Division Dean and Date: ________________________________________________________
Credential Approval and Date: ____________________________________________________
Program Information:
Length of Program: 117 Credits
Completion Award: A.A.A.S. Degree
Selective Enrollment: Students interested will find detailed information about prerequisites and the application process on the Dental Hygiene website.
Approximate Quarterly Costs: $150-$3000
(in addition to tuition, books and parking)
Plan code: DEHDHAPT