(206) 546-4732 • 9000 Building (PUB), First Floor
Monday - Thursday |
7:30 a.m .- 5 p.m. |
Friday |
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. |
The bookstore is open extended hours the the first week of the quarter. Hours vary for summer quarter and the time period between the end of summer quarter and Labor Day.
The College Bookstore stocks class-required supplies and materials as well as college-related reference books. Textbooks will be available through the University Bookstore; please visit for a link to this website. Textbook information will appear on the University Bookstore website as it becomes available. You can purchase textbooks at this site to be shipped to your home, to the on campus Shoreline Bookstore free of charge, or any University Bookstore location. Purchase textbooks online before 4:00 pm for free next day delivery to the Shoreline campus bookstore. Staff will be available in the campus bookstore in the lower level of the PUB to answer questions and help order textbooks. Textbooks are also available to purchase and/or rent in person at the Ave location of the University Bookstore (4326 University Way, Seattle) in the University district.
The bookstore also stocks art, photography, and office supplies, as well as gifts, greeting cards, and the College logo clothing. The bookstore has recently expanded food, snack, and beverage offerings, and now offers fresh brewed coffee and many other convenience items.The bookstore accepts cash, MasterCard and Visa, and personal checks with student picture ID.
Textbook Buyback
At the beginning and end of each quarter a representative from The University Bookstore (UBS) will be available on campus to buy back textbooks. There are two levels of pricing for books; 50% of the new retail price will be paid for books that the bookstore needs for the upcoming quarter. Need is based on the information the bookstore receives from the instructors and the level of bookstore stock. Books that the bookstore does not need are bought back based on current national demand. These books are shipped to the wholesalers warehouse for resale. Wholesale prices are approximately 10-30% of the new retail price. Out-of-print books and old editions are not in national demand and therefore may have no buyback value.
Campus Safety and Security
5000 Building (FOSS), Room 5102
The Shoreline Community College Safety and Security Department provides security seven days a week, 24 hours a day. The Safety and Security department manages traffic safety, parking, emergency preparedness and response, and crime prevention. This department works closely with Shoreline Fire and Police Departments.
Emergencies during daytime hours |
ext. 4633 or (206) 546-4633 |
Office business line |
(206) 546-4633 |
After hours (4:30 p.m.) and weekends |
ext. 4499 or (206) 235-5860 |
Shoreline Police and Fire Departments |
911 |
Contact the Safety and Security Department for the following: emergencies (any fire, medical, or disasters); crimes on campus, including damage to campus facilities or property, or traffic collisions, disputes, parking or other violations.
You do not need to dial a number or ext. at a Blue Light Phone.
Dental Hygiene Clinic
(206) 546-4711 • 2500 Building, Room 2521
Shoreline Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic provides a number of dental services to adults and children who would like affordable dental care. The clinic dentists provide dental exams. Dental hygiene students,with supervision of instructing licensed dental hygienists, provide teeth cleaning, x-rays, fluroide treatments, sealants, and selected fillings. This is an educational setting so appointment times are restricted to open clinic times.
Food Service
(206) 546-6918 •
Lancer Hospitality provides food service on campus. Services include cafeteria dining, deli/espresso, catering services, and vending. The majority of these services are provided from the PUB location. Lancer strives to provide a variety of healthy dining options tailored to the diverse college community. Food service needs for persons with disabilities should be addressed to the college Americans with Disabilities Act compliance office, located in the Student Support Programs on the second floor of FOSS (5000 Building).
Student accident/health insurance (and/or other types of insurance) may be required in some programs. Students with F-1 visas must either obtain their own health insurance or purchase an insurance plan through Shoreline Community College. More information is available at the International Education Office in the 9000 (PUB) building. Students may obtain health insurance coverage(s). An Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan brochure as well as Student and Family Dental Plan information request card are available at the Cashier’s Office in the 5000 (FOSS) building.
Parking and Transportation
Campus Safety and Security is charged with the responsibility of establishing rules and regulations for pedestrian, vehicular, and non-vehicular traffic on property owned, operated, and/or maintained by the College. Parking and traffic laws are granted to the college by RCW 28B.50.140 (10) to provide a fair and uniform method of regulating such rules and regulations. Failure to abide by these laws may result in a fine, as well as being considered a violation of the code of student conduct.
Parking after 3:00 p.m. M-F, and during weekends, holidays, and campus closures is free, and students can park in staff lots during those times.
Quarterly parking permits are required for all students who wish to park on campus during daytime hours. One pre-purchased student permit allows students to park on campus in all student lots. The fee is $45 plus tax per quarter. Permits can be purchased at the Cashier’s Office (2nd floor of the 5000 building), and the Bookstore (1st floor of the 9000 PUB building.) (Price is subject to change.) Purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. Student parking permits must hang from the vehicle’s rear view mirror facing outward in order to be valid.
For vehicles transporting two or more students at the same time, a limited number of carpool permits are available at the Safety & Security Department, room 5102. Carpool permits are free of charge and allow parking in the Greenwood Parking Lot only.
Motorcycles and bicycles must park in designated areas only. Please obtain a parking lot map at to locate the appropriate parking area for your cycle. Motorcycles do not need a parking permit.
Disabled parking is available on campus. A valid Washington State disabled parking placard is required to park in disabled parking spaces.
There is no student parking allowed at any time in the Visitor Lot. Students parking in the Visitor Lot will be cited. Multiple unpaid violations will result in your vehicle being impounded (towed).
Illegal parking will result in fines and/or having a vehicle impounded (towed). It is illegal at all times to park in roadways, fire lanes, bus zones, loading zones, on walkways or pedestrian paths, landscaped areas, curbs zoned with red, areas with “No Parking” signs, or in service driveways. Other violations that may result in a vehicle being impounded include: blocking a fire hydrant, blocking another legally parked car, double parking, parking in a marked tow away zone, or having outstanding unpaid citations at the College. Fines are payable at the Cashier’s Office. If there is reason to believe a ticket was unjustified, a citation appeal form can be obtained at campus Safety and Security (5102). Appeals must be filed within 5 working days of the date on the ticket; after that time the fine must be paid and cannot be appealed. For further assistance with parking, citations, appeals, and questions, please contact the Safety and Security Department at (206) 546-4633 or stop in Room 5102, Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Suggestions for Easier Parking
Due to the high demand for daytime parking, a shuttle bus and van service is available free to students at the rear of the Sears parking lot on N. 160th St and Aurora Ave. (Enter the parking lot off N. 160th St.) The shuttles operate between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday and 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Fridays. There is no shuttle service during Summer Quarter, quarter breaks, state holidays or other school closures. You do not need a Shoreline Community College parking permit to park at the Sears lot. For further information, please go to:
- The Greenwood Avenue North lower lot usually has parking available throughout the day.
- Consider taking classes in the afternoon and at night, when parking is readily available and free. Please be considerate of our surrounding community by adhering to the speed limits, not parking in residential neighborhoods, and keeping all of our streets free of litter.
Shoreline Community College encourages students to take advantage of our services and facilities, and welcomes student involvement in campus activities and special events. Students are offered many opportunities to become involved in the campus community through attendance at special educational programs offered outside of the classroom, through participation with clubs and organizations that plan these programs, through participation in recreational or intercollegiate sports, and especially through working with the students, professional staff, and faculty who support these programs. Students can learn valuable skills and develop a community by taking leadership roles in campus organizations. Participation in extracurricular programs is always valued and will broaden students’ educational experience at the college.